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Star Wars Rebels Special Ops

Star Wars Rebels Special Ops is a new Star Wars arcade game. Have you passed through high-quality combat training? 

Here we have yet another great game from the Star Wars Rebels series. This time, it will be a fighter game, where you’ll select a hero at the start that you’ll later use to finish missions. At the start, you will go through a tutorial that will then explain the controls. It won’t take long, since the game isn’t all that hard control-wise. You can play a single-player mode or a multiplayer mode where you can play with a friend. You can’t do that at the same time though and you’ll be finishing quests slowly, one at a time for each of you. There are 4 great maps available, where you’ll be finishing objectives. Start playing!

    Star Wars Rebels Special Ops How To Play
    arrow keys - movement X - special attack spacebar - attack